Fresh Matters

One benefit of buying local produce is the rapid transition from field to table. This fast turn-around maximizes the amount of nutrients available to the customer, making the product healthier and tastier.

Why is this? Well, when a vegetable is picked from a plant, it is disconnected from its main source of nutrients. Without this lifeline to constantly replenish its nutrients and moisture content, the vegetable’s nutrient count decreases. Spinach, for example, can loose half of its folate content after eight days of refrigerated storage. Each vegetable has a slightly different rate of nutrient loss, depending on the composition, growing conditions, and harvest and storage system.

Here at Freedom Foods, we recognize the importance of selling our customers the healthiest produce. That is why nearly all of our produce is delivered to the consumer in less than twenty four hours after harvest. Meanwhile, produce from a grocery store might be shipped across the country over a period of several days to a week and then sit in a display case for 1-3 days before purchase.

This is part of the reason we are working hard to lengthen our growing season—we want to provide produce picked at the height of nutrition during the winter months, when most other places can only offer produce that has made a long journey from another part of the country.

However, when buying super-fresh local isn’t an option, consider planning ahead and freezing this summer’s bounty to capture the nutrients at their peak. We are offering bulk quantities of green beans, tomatoes, beets, peppers, and more, so get your order in today! For more information, check out our website and/or email


Barrett, D. M. (n.d.). Maximizing the nutritional value of fruits & vegetables [PDF]. Retrieved from

Harvard School of Public Health. (n.d.). “Is local more nutritious?” It depends [PDF]. Retrieved from

University of Akron (Ed.). (n.d.). Nutri Q & A chima [PDF]. Retrieved from